Carnage expected to be the villain in the 'Venom' movie, Sony also developing spinoffs for Kraven the Hunter and Mysterio

Image from Slashfilm
By Darian Scalamoni
            Spider-Man: Homecoming is just a couple of weeks away and though I’m highly-anticipating seeing that movie, Sony can’t stop announcing more exciting stuff for their spinoffs. According to THR, Carnage will be the villain in the upcoming Venom movie that will star Tom Hardy and has Ruben Fleischer (Zombieland, Gangster Squad). Not only that but in another report, THR also revealed that the studio is looking to make films based around villains, Mysterio and Kraven the Hunter.

            Carnage first appeared in the comics as Cletus Kassidy, a serial killer who shared a prison cell with Eddie Brock (Venom). Some of the symbiote that Brock used to escape jail was left behind and merged with Kassidy which helped him form into Carnage. His powers include super strength, shapeshifting and every power that Spider-Man has as well. Mysterio is known as the master of illusions in the Spider-Man comics while Kraven, is obviously a hunter who believes that chasing down Spidey is the best hunting challenge ever.

            It seems with this news that maybe Sony wants to build towards that Sinister Six movie they had in development back when Andrew Garfield was playing Spider-Man but at least they’ll build with solo movies before the team-up of all the villains. It’s definitely a smart move as Suicide Squad looked to just make a movie based around a rag-tag group of villains and we all know how that turned out.

            How do you guys feel about Carnage as the villain in Venom? Do you want to see Kraven and Mysterio get their own movies? Sound off in the comments.


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