'This Is Us' Season 1, Episode 11 Review
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Image from IBT
By Darian Scalamoni |
weeks of wanting our favorite new hit network drama This Is Us back, we finally got the return this past Tuesday with
one of my favorite episodes of the show thus far. Following the wild mid-season
finale in which Toby was rushed to the hospital, things slowed down and made
them more intimate over the return of the show.
find out that Toby has a heart problem and must have surgery to fix it. He
first opts to not have it because he’s very worried about the complications but
Kate, of course, wants him to have the procedure. After a little thinking, not
only does Toby decide he’s going to get the surgery but he tells Kate that he
loves her. It’s supposed to be believable but honestly, it’s a bit cheesy when
its presented. It comes out of nowhere and it seems like the writers are trying
to get a heart wrenching moment but it feels very forced. Not only that but
after the surgery Kate tells Toby that he loves him as well and then they jump
into marriage talks. The relationship is moving WAY too fast and it could throw
the audience in a very off putting situation with how quickly they’re jumping
from being in love to marriage.
it seemed that Toby and Kate’s story started poor in the second half of Season
1, it was surprisingly Kevin’s story that had me loving this week’s episode.
After Olivia disappeared for a few weeks, Kevin began a fling with the writer
of the play he was cast in, Sloane and she’s become a good character since she’s
began to appear in a bigger role. It’s helped not only for Kevin on a personal level
but it’s also led to an artistic growth for him. When Olivia shows back up
though supporting an awful new blonde pixie cut, she tells Kevin that she;s
back and she’s made the changes necessary to be back in the play and back in
his life in a romantic sense. It’s another moment that doesn’t feel like it was
earned in the slightest but Justin Hartley continues to improve week by week as
Kevin and he plays everyone’s favorite lovable idiot when he tells Olivia that
he can’t be with her because it’s “not the right thing to do”. Sloane hears
this and is rightfully upset so she leaves Kevin with no one after this
tumultuous love triangle.
big surprise we got before This Is Us
went on a hiatus was William’s relationship with a man named Jesse. With the
crazy life that Randall has had, it’s not surprising to know that he’s thrown
for a loop when he discovers that his father is bisexual. It’s a needed viewpoint
though in television and reminds me of a similar kind of relationship that
Christopher Plummer had in his Oscar-winning turn in Beginners. Ron Cephas
Jones has done an amazing job as William and this unexpected character choice
by the writers will give him even more of a platform for him to shine.
Unfortunately, he might not have that much time as it seems that his cancer is
getting worse and worse. In one of the best scenes in the entire show thus far,
Randall and William have a talk in which they both share heartfelt and
tear-filled words that William would like to stop taking his chemo pills. Not
only because it’s affecting him physically but more so because he doesn’t want
his son to see him die. This whole tense scene is fueled by genuine nature and
love for his son and you can see both Jones and the always spectacular,
Sterling K. Brown giving their all.
but not least there is my favorite story for this episode by far and it was
Jack and Rebecca finally finding out that they’re going to have triplets. After
discovering this new information, Rebecca and Jack start going into crisis mode
and begin to ask their parents for help. Upon further discovery, we see that
their parents are truly terrible people. Well at least Rebecca’s mother and
Jack’s father. It’s heavy handed but it gives the audience a better look at the
households these two came from and why they chose to raise their kids their own
way. It’s inspiring and sweet though to see that Jack goes back to ask his
father for money in which he uses to buy a house for him, Rebecca and the
triplets they’re expecting.
in all, this past week’s episode was one of the best of the show thus far and I’m
really looking forward to the way this season finishes up because I’m
officially hooked on This Is Us.
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