'Preacher' Episode 8, Season 1 Review

Image from Joblo
By Darian Scalamoni
            AMC’s Preacher has become one of the most unique TV shows that has been broadcast this year, the epic weirdness continued this past Sunday in episode 8 of the show’s premiere season.

            We finally got some backstory on Jackie Earle Haley’s Odin Quincannon, it turns out that Odin’s whole family, minus himself, died in a freak ski lift accident. This led to him going on a crazy bender that included dissecting all of his families’ corpses. He then called John Custer to tell him to denounce God and say that there is no soul within humans, only meat. This led to the bigger picture and confusing storyline in which Jesse told Odin to “serve God” because it turns out that his god is the God of Meat. He refers to it as the god of what is touchable and true, it’s a dark and straight up creepy way of looking at it since his whole family died.

            We also see Miles finally stepping up to Emily about why he’s helping Odin as the town is in deep financial trouble and with Quincannon being the prosperous man that he is, Miles is willing to band with him to save Annville. Even if that includes covering up multiple killings that he witnessed just a few episodes ago.

            Jesse also has his moments within this episode which are redeemable. He feels incredibly guilty after sending Eugene to Hell a few episodes ago, until he’s able to bring him back. Well, so we think…it turns out that it is just the ghost of Eugene who has some interesting wordplay back and forth between himself and the preacher. Jesse is essentially all alone while trying to defend his church from Quincannon’s men, though he does a formidable job even managing to blow Clive’s dick off (a huge laugh out loud moment).

            The big turning point within the episode though is when the angels return to remove Genesis from Jesse if it means they bring Eugene back from Hell. Jesse has tons of questions about Genesis but they can’t provide answers. They finally are able to lure Genesis back into its coffee can but when they reveal that they didn’t promise anything to Jesse about saving Eugene, Genesis shoots right back into Jesse. The angels then abandon Custer in his church all alone with Genesis still intact within the confines of his body for the time being.

            Though there is no visual of Cassidy within this episode, Tulip adopts a dog, hangs out with it and pets it gently, before feeding it to something in a room in her house, this seems to presumably be Cass.

            This episode gives us more insight to what is actually happening to the city of Annville and the people around it. We learn about Odin’s backstory, Miles’ attentions and how Genesis somehow fits hand in hand with the preacher for the time being.



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