'Minecraft' Adaptation to be Released in May 2019

Image from Kotaku
By Darian Scalamoni
               With movies now being released based on toys like Legos and games like Tetris, it’s hard to say that people “can’t” make movies about anything. Well today, Collider reports that the Minecraft film will be made and it’s scheduled to be released on May 24th, 2019. The film is set to be directed by Rob McElhenney and for all those Always Sunny in Philadelphia fans, yes he plays the character of Mac.
            For those who are unfamiliar with the video game of Minecraft, it’s essentially digital Lego. You can build anything and let your imagination run free so that’s a tall order for a movie of this stature especially because The Lego Movie was done so well. I’m a big fan of McElhenney on Always Sunny though and I’m excited to see what he can offer when it comes to this film.

            The video game is an incredible success and appeals to so many people around the world that I see it doing a great job at the box office regardless. When we get more information about casting or the plot of the film, you’ll hear it here first. 


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