'Preacher' Episode 2, Season 1 Review

Image from Den of Geek
By Darian Scalamoni
I know this is a late review and I apologize dearly but for everyone who’s been hanging in, here is my review of Preacher episode 2 titled “See”.  The pilot episode of this show was tremendous. It was filled with action, suspense, mystery and most of all, fun. This week’s episode is no different. With an establishing and impressive first episode like we saw a few weeks back, it’s important to keep people tuning in each week and upping the ante while providing the audience with a story they can sink their teeth into.

            Preacher is as clever and different a show on television as we have nowadays. That is important in and of itself due to the vast (and sometimes overpopulated) television landscape we find ourselves in. Episode two acts quite often as an extension as the events we saw last week. This week’s episode starts you off all the way back in 1881 where we see an unknown man in a small town called Ratwater which seems to be in Texas similar to where the show takes place. I don’t know what this means but hopefully in the coming weeks we learn more about this flashback.

            This week though was filled with important moments for Jesse as we see him acting out his duties as the Preacher of his town. This includes baptisms, him being forced to listen to a confession from a local school bus driver who’s infatuated with a young girl on his bus route and even visiting a young girl in a coma whose mother knows that no words could get her daughter to wake up. Though all of these heart wrenching scenes and frustration on the viewer are present within the episode, the tone is balanced right back as we see Jesse smoking cigarettes and swigging alcohol in the church with his buddy, Cassidy.

            Though we don’t get enough of Tulip this week, it’s pretty evident that she is going to be one of the best and most interesting characters on the program for weeks to come. I’m extremely excited to see where her story goes. Along with that we see a fantastic action scene between Cassidy and the duo of men Fiore and DeBlanc, who showed up in Annville at the end of the pilot that lasts up to 3 minutes.

            This program is already one of my favorites on television right now and that’s why episode 2 also ends up in the 9’s. Though it wasn’t as good as the pilot, it’s pretty damn close.



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